Time-Saving Tips for TikTokers

Time-Saving Tips for TikTokers

TikTok has become a sensation, attracting millions of users who create videos to share. From funny skits to creative dance moves, people spend more time than ever on the app - and it doesn't look like they're going away anytime soon.

However, the fun comes with addiction and too much time spent on the app. As one of the hottest social media networks on the market, TikTok is the leading platform for time spent.

Although scrolling through the feed of fun and engaging videos is time-consuming, you may spend even more time using TikTok as a creator.

You must find a balance between your life on TikTok and other things outside social media, while coming up with creative ideas and ways to lure viewers in to increase your audience and get more views for your TikTok videos. It would also be best to create fresh content to suit your schedule consistently.

Things can be a bit hectic, especially if you are busy, but with adequate planning and discipline, you can achieve your goals. Here are some time-saving tips to help you become a successful TikTok influencer.

Organize Your Workload

Being organized is the trick to any successful operation, and the same applies to your TikTok activities. Planning what you want to do and setting realistic deadlines will help keep you organized and on track.

A TikTok influencer deals with many duties. Let's take a look at a typical workday of an influencer.

When you keep track of all your duties and organize your workload, you can save time and become more productive.

For example, suppose you wish to post three videos each day. Use AI writers and create a content calendar detailing when and what videos you plan to share would be best. This way, you can efficiently structure your daily schedule and save time on planning.

You must also decide the type of content you want to post, such as funny videos or tutorials. By having a clear idea of your video topics before creating them, you can produce videos more quickly and effectively.

Also, being organized allows you to set aside time to brainstorm TikTok ideas based on what your followers want to see. This will help you create more meaningful content and garner more views.

Use Ready-to-Use Video Templates

Creating videos can be time-consuming, so why not use ready-to-use video templates to speed up the process? You can choose from millions of available templates online to suit your needs. This will help you create videos without starting from scratch, saving you time and energy.

For instance, if you are into cooking, you can choose a template with the kitchen background and ingredients ready. This way, you won't have to worry about setting up your scene whenever you want to shoot a video.

The video templates include graphics assets, presentations, icons, and more, so you can easily customize them to fit your needs. You may even select images to use as thumbnails, allowing you to adjust the video's look and feel quickly.

To access the templates, go to your mobile TikTok, click the large + icon, and select the 'Create with Template' option.

Prepare a List of Hashtags to Use

There is no better way to push your videos to reach more views than using the right hashtags. So, before you hit the upload button, prepare a list of relevant hashtags you can insert into your TikTok description.

Use popular or trending hashtags related to your content so that more people will discover and engage with it. Including local-based hashtags in case you target a particular city or region is also beneficial.

You may also create your own branded hashtag that you can use to help promote all of your TikTok content. But keep them short, memorable, and easy to spell. For example, if you recently launched a new product, you could create "#newproductname" to quickly spread the word. Or, if you moved to a new city, you could use a hashtag like "#citylife" to share your experiences.

Again, think of your target audience and the type of content they may be searching for. If they are into fashion, embed fashion-related hashtags on your TikTok videos.

The easiest way to save time is to create a list of hashtags and save the most popular ones as a note on your phone.

Repurpose Social Media Content from Other Networks

You don't have to reinvent the wheel for each social media post. If you already have content on other networks such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, consider repurposing them into TikTok videos relevant to your audience. This will save time from coming up with new ideas for every video.

The key to repurposing content is to make it unique and engaging for your TikTok followers. Try adding different visuals or music, or create a new angle to entertain people. You may also use a voiceover that suits the video's tone and message.

Considering that most people are on TikTok for fun, a video from Facebook may not automatically fit on TikTok. So, while you don't need to create videos from scratch, you must tailor the content for TikTok audiences.

Schedule TikTok Videos in Advance

Scheduling is a time-saving tip and helps keep your content consistent and engaging. This means you can plan out video ideas beforehand so you don't need to scramble for ideas at the last minute. Scheduling videos also saves you from forgetting to post or missing opportunities when trends arise.

Luckily, you have many options, such as the TikTok scheduling feature, third-party tools, or the Creator's Studio app.

Here's a dashboard of a typical TikTok scheduler.

You can classify your videos as per their engagement trends when scheduling them. Then, you can set different video themes or topics to create a cohesive story and make sure your audience follows along with your content. For example, you create a series of travel videos. You can create a batch of videos on one day but schedule each for different days. This way, even when you return from your travels, your audience will think you are still around, keeping them hooked.

6, Team Up With Other Influencers on Video Production

With the rise in people joining TikTok, it's no surprise that the platform has become a go-to marketing tool for most brands. Therefore, becoming a TikTok influencer is a great way to earn coins by doing what you love.

Nonetheless, becoming an influencer is not an overnight job. You must put in the work, create more quality videos, and, most importantly, grow your following and views. All these things take time.

One way to maximize your output is by teaming with other influencers and creating group TikTok videos. This idea allows you to tap into each other's followers and increase the video's reach, resulting in more video views and, consequently, a bigger paycheck from your sponsor.

Look for people in the same niche as you and create something together that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, don’t forget to use the right keywords in your videos so they can be easily found by viewers who are searching for content related to those topics.

7. Keep Track of Your TikTok Screen Time

Social media can be addictive, and once you start creating and enjoying the process, it can be hard to stop. That's why setting boundaries and limits is important when creating content for TikTok. Ensuring you don't overwork yourself is essential to stay productive and healthy. So, schedule specific times for video-making sessions each week and monitor your daily screen time by using the app's built-in tools.

You may install a third-party app to help track your TikTok activity and ensure you spend only a little bit of time on it. Additionally, take regular breaks while creating content - it can be easy to get caught up in the process and forget about essential self-care.

In extreme cases, you may install a blocking app that will prevent you from using TikTok during specific times of the day or even lock access completely if needed.

Final Thoughts

TikTok is an excellent platform for creative expression and connecting with an audience, but it's important to remember that time management plays a huge role in success. You can make the most of your TikTok account by following the tips above. Whether you want to gain followers or have fun creating content, these tips will help you stay organized and productive. With some effort, you can become a successful TikToker in no time.