15 Evergreen Instagram Story Ideas for Brands & Creators

Instagram Stories is a significant part of a successful Instagram marketing strategy. This feature on the app allows followers to get a quick glimpse into a brand's or creator's life or the projects they are undertaking.

This fullscreen vertical content is taking the world by storm. Just imagine: over 500 million people use Stories daily.

With a lifespan of 24 hours, this content format creates a sense of urgency that encourages users to watch stories and it also allows you to post a lot of new content without filling up your feed with numerous posts in a short time frame.

Instagram Stories give less formality and more room to be authentic or intimate with your followers. That's why brands and creators are interested in evergreen Instagram Story ideas that can spice up their feeds.

Why Should Brands and Creators Post Instagram Stories?

Instagram stories are currently the most efficient feature when you want to engage with your followers promptly. This helps you, as a brand or creator, keep up with what's happening around you or the world.

Both big and small accounts use Stories each month. According to Social Insider's study, an average number of Instagram Stories per month depends on your account size with bigger accounts tend to post more.

So, why do bigger brands invest time and effort into content that disappears? Here are three main reasons:

  • Keep up with the trend. It's a trendy feature that's not going away anytime soon. The fact that stories disappear after 24 hours gives a small window to glimpse into a timely event, such as behind the scenes of your content creation. This gives the followers a closer, more authentic look into your brand.
  • Beat an Instagram algorithm. You can beat Instagram's algorithm since half the users on the platform use Stories daily. This number has continued since its introduction in 2016. What is more, Stories appear on a separate feed and it hints users at what content they haven't seen yet.
  • Be authentic and real. Instagram Stories doesn't require editing and people crave authenticity, so it gives you an opportunity to take users behind the scenes and show the real you behind the profile without clogging the feed up with content.
  • Organize your Instagram. You can also create Instagram Story Highlights to make important moments live permanently on your account and group your best Stories into separate albums for better discoverability.

Ready to create more Stories for your account? Check out our list of 15 evergreen Instagram Story ideas for brands and creators.

1. Take Users Behind the Scenes

Everyone cannot resist the proverbial 'peak behind the curtain.' Seeing how things combine to create a finished product or service is irresistible and exciting. It's like taking a clock apart and peeking at the cogwheels and how they move. The point is that it's very interesting for your followers to see how you create, even in bits and pieces. You can create a narrative and gain more engagement.

2. Endorse Your Partners

Anytime you collaborate and have a partnership with another brand or creator, mentioning them and even adding the partnership tag is important. This is of mutual benefit as the partner's followers will see your content, and that's fresh eyes and more people to engage with you and your content and vice versa for the partners.

Here's an example of this strategy in action:

3. Announce a New Product

Stories offer interesting ways to announce the launch of a product and create buzz around it. Specifically, the countdown sticker creates anticipation and increases traffic as it lets followers know that something new is coming up soon.

You can also use Instagram Story stickers and polls to introduce new creations. You can ask questions and gauge people's expectations and reactions.

Or you can simply show off your products from all sides to spark interest in your new collection, like Dior did:

4. Invite Followers to Share Their Thoughts

The Instagram stories feature has several fun pins, including tags that include polls, this or that, and space for people to respond with short comments. You can even connect with users who view instagram stories anonymously. This means you can achieve a more authentic connection with your audience as the interaction is almost real-time.

What is more, this Instagram Story idea encourages a conversation with your followers which means higher engagement rates. Check out how Made.com uses this strategy:

5. Show Inspirational Content

Now, you still need to start quoting the cliches we've all come to know.

Rather show something or tell your audience about your struggle as a brand and how you overcame it. It doesn't even have to be your story; it could be one you read and share the link with your followers.

Avoid corny content, as it can be uncreative and not invested in your brand or content. You can also adjust your background color to avoid monotony when typing texts.

6. Cause a Buzz with the Countdown Sticker

Having a countdown sticker is always one surefire way to create anticipation.

The fact that people know the point in time when the new product or service will be launched means higher traffic. You must always take advantage of and strike when many eyes are on you. The anticipation also ensures someone will get curious enough to show up.

And if you want to master the art of Instagram lead generation, you can create a landing page where interested users can leave their contact info to be the first to get updates. Here's how BaliBody did it:

7. Tell About Your Typical Workday

The online world can feel very impersonal because of the geographical proximity of people.

However, through features like Instagram stories, you can easily pick up your phone or camera and record yourself going through a typical workday. This humanizes you and makes your followers more interested in the brand or content.

For example, Starbucks has a separate rubrics where they introduce their team workers and share their stories.

8. Repost User-Generated Content

Reposts are sometimes a good thing.

Some may see it as promoting other people's content, yet they try to promote theirs. This can be true, but it doesn't have to be content specifically related to your brand or content. It can be an inspirational video or something you found interesting general knowledge and want to inform people. This will also show you are not too selfish or self-centered.

Also, it will have people viewing your story because they will discover something new or inspiring.

9. Introduce Your Brand Advocates

Your brand advocates can vouch for you and put in a good word or witness of character. This is important as they, too, have their following online, and they will see your page and engage with you, especially if the content is similar to your advocates. They can be fellow influencers or brand ambassadors.

If you're a retail brand like Tommy Hilfiger, you can create a campaign and announce it with the help of your brand advocate.

10. Do Product Review

If a product review can align with the online persona you have created, it is advantageous to do them. Only sometimes, regularly, unless you're a review content creator. Create a few to show your followers the qualities you look for and advise people if it's something worth their buck.

11. Share Niche News

When you are a brand or content creator, you have that main thing you do, your niche. You can only do some things, so identifying and establishing your niche is one of your first steps. Sharing news that concerns your interests is good as it shows you are in touch with current events and you inform your followers. This shows concern and diligence from your end.

12. Organize a Contest

Having friendly competition is always a good way to boost people's moods and morale. It's also a way to get engagement with your following. Instagram stories have stickers that make it easier for people to reply. Nothing serious, make it fun and engaging.

13. Encourage 'Ask Me Anything' Sessions

Ask me anything is a sticker on Instagram stories that allows your followers to ask them anything.

This is a fun way to create a space to be authentic and open with your audience. It allows them to feel that you are genuinely open and interested in people getting to know the brand or creator. It allows followers to ask questions they have been curious about and want an opportunity to express them.

14. Repost Old Post

At times, you look back and feel nostalgic. You can post old creations on the Throwback Thursday (#TBT) hashtag. Also, Flashback Fridays (#FBF) opens up the option to repost old content. Also, sometimes the occasion is to celebrate how far you cameras a brand and creator.

15. Include a Discount or Promo Code

Occasionally offering discounts or special packages is important if you sell a product or service. If you partner with a brand for an event or product, giving a promo code boosts your follower's morale. The simple fact of knowing you online has awarded them a discount. Even the rich like discounts; everyone loves a good bargain, so take advantage of that.

What is more, you can promote your referral program to encourage your followers to spread a word about your product and give their friends a solid reason to become a customer, too.


Instagram story is a great feature to utilize as a brand and creator. It gives a more authentic experience and results in more timely engagement. Consumers today are more conscious about what they consume, and being transparent is one way Instagram stories help. Half of all Instagram users use this feature daily. Take advantage of these evergreen Instagram Story ideas and use these amazing tips to get your engagement and following.